Category: Opinion

A new BID for the Culture Mile in the City of London

Local businesses have voted overwhelmingly in favour of creating a new Business Improvement District (BID) in the Culture Mile area of the City of London securing investment plans totalling more than £9m over the next five years. Driven by the private sector, the Culture Mile BID will go live in April for a first five-year… Read more »

A Welcome to 2023 from Ruth Duston OBE, OC

When we welcomed in 2022, I don’t think many of us would have foreseen that this year the nation would experience quite so much turmoil, especially on the back of a torrid couple of years with the fallout from Brexit and the COVID pandemic. Alongside the great high of the Platinum Jubilee in the summer… Read more »

A New Year Message from Ruth Duston OBE, OC

As another year draws to a close, I am reminded of the amazing work going on across London, through BIDs. Collective will is continuing to transform communities, set the agenda and drive the capital’s renaissance. Across our portfolio there have been many highlights, but I wanted to shine a light on just a few, and… Read more »

A New Year Message from Ruth Duston OBE, OC

New Year is often a time for reflecting on the year gone by and looking forward to the year ahead. While many of us I’m sure are glad to be putting 2021 behind us, across business sectors I imagine 2022 is also being viewed with some trepidation. Unfortunately, we are facing another new year with… Read more »

We must focus on what unites us to safeguard our cities – Ruth Duston OBE, OC

Today the focus of COP26 shifts to the built environment, regions and cities. It’s the first time these issues have been discussed since COP 21 and delegates will reflect on the central role that our built environment, regeneration and cities play in the climate crisis. COP has heard that cities and the built environment are a big… Read more »

How BIDs are driving ambitious local agendas

Ruth Duston, MD, Primera Corporation. We have come to expect rail increases each year, but the 3.6% increase from January next year is the largest in five years. Commuters are set to be hardest hit by the increases. The change applies to about 40% of rail fares, including season tickets on many commuter journeys, some… Read more »


A step-by-step guide to building a Business Improvement District.